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Sequence: 07 – Assessment

: 085—01


Clarke opens her eyes and looks up at...


: 085—02

... Dyson as lightning flashes in the windows above.

: 085—03

She moves to the craft’s central column and presses a button to lower Dyson’s seat.

CLARKE "We made it."

: 085—04

CLARKE "We’re on the surface."

: 085—05

DYSON "Feels like someone parked an AstroBug on top of me."

: 085—06

Dyson attempts to sit up straight.

: 085—07

Empathetic, Clarke is wracked with guilt. She puts a gentle hand on his shoulder.

: 085—08

CLARKE "OH said the high gee-load got to you."

: 085—09

CLARKE " We need to give you a once-over with the X-Doc."

: 085—10

Dyson notices the damaged medical station...

: 085—11

...- a black scar cuts across its surface.

DYSON "Only if you can find a new one."

: 085—14

CLARKE "We were struck by lightning. And I hit something on the way down. "

: 085—15

DYSON " Something like? "

: 085—16

CLARKE " A mountain. "

: 085—17

DYSON " Didn’t your mother teach you to avoid those things? "

: 085—18

CLARKE " Not well enough. Listen, I’m concerned about OH. "

: 085—19

CLARKE " He’s been offline since the strike. "

Clarke gestures toward Omni’s main interface.

: 085—20

DYSON " Oh no! I’ll see if I can reboot-- "

Dyson tries to stand ...

: 085—21

... and immediately slumps back in his seat in severe pain.

: 085—22

Clarke kneels by his side tenderly.

DYSON (CONT’D) " I'm fine. I just need to catch my breath. Where’s the AstroBug? "

: 085—23

Dyson is covering up how he feels, but Clarke lets it go.

: 085—24

She activates the science station, pulling up a map of their landing site and the position of the AstroBug.

: 085—25

CLARKE " I set us down two klicks away. "

: 085—26

DYSON " On the edge of a frozen lake. "

: 085—28

Seeing this, Clarke panics. She switches on the comm-system.

: 085—29

CLARKE " Jim, come in. Do you read? Jim?! "

: 085—31

Clarke quickly looks toward a storage locker.

: 085—32

She walks to it and opens it up, looking for EVA equipment.

CLARKE (CONT’D) " I’m going outside to have a look. "

: 085—33

DYSON " Then I’m going with you. "

: 085—34

CLARKE " That’s not a good idea. "

: 085—35

DYSON " I’ve waited for this all my life. You think a stupid injury’s gonna stop me? "


: 086—01


Through a hole in the clouds, a bright band of blue AURORAE lights the sky. A body of frozen water spans the horizon.


: 086—02

[Panning across the horizon]


: 086—03

[Panning across the horizon]


: 086—04

Patches of ice can be seen near the AeroFox’s landing gear.


: 086—05

On the side of the vehicle, a door pops open and the ship's AIRLOCK deploys like an accordion. The hatch opens.


: 086—06

[Airlock fully deploys.]


: 086—07

[Light turns on beneath the airlock.]


: 086—08

[The ladder deploys.]

: 086—09

Clarke and Dyson wear ENVIROSUITS which include O2 BACKPACKS and OXYGEN MASKS that cover their mouths and noses. Each astronaut also wears a pair of clear, sporty-looking AR GLASSES.

: 086—10

Dyson climbs down first. Clarke follows after him.

: 086—11

CLARKE " Take it easy. One rung at a time. "

: 086—12

DYSON " No problem. I got this. "

: 086—13


: 086—14

[Clarke begins her descent down the ladder.]

: 086—15


: 086—16

Suddenly, Dyson loses his grip and falls the final rungs.

: 086—17

He slams down HARD on the surface!

: 086—21

Dyson pulls himself together and sits up.

DYSON " Yeah... That’s one small step for me. One giant fall on my ass. "

: 086—22

CLARKE " Wait a second... You’re the first person to set foot on Proxima b. "

: 086—23

Clarke activates a FLASH SCANNER mapping device on her wrist. She takes an image of Dyson’s foot on the ground.

: 086—24

DYSON " Wow. I made the history books. "

: 086—25

CLARKE " You sure did. "

: 086—26

Clarke spies a searchlight-style BEACON in the far distance. It shoots straight into the air as a spire of light.

: 086—26

Clarke smiles proudly, extending a hand to help him up.

: 086—27

Clarke points at it excitedly.

: 086—28

CLARKE " Look! Their beacon’s on! That means they’re okay. "

: 086—28

Hobbling, he leans on Clarke as they hike away from the AeroFox.

: 086—29

She pulls a LASER RANGER -- a pair of futuristic binoculars -- from her utility belt.

: 086—29

In the distance, a VOLCANO spews lava and smoke into the sky.


: 086—30

DYSON " We should switch ours on as well. "

: 086—30

The wind blows FLURRIES around them in the yellowish light of Alpha Centauri’s twin stars.

: 086—31

CLARKE (looking through scope) " Yeah, we should. "

: 086—31

CLARKE (CONT’D) " What’s this stuff in the air? "

: 086—31

In a magical moment, Dyson opens his palm and allows a flake to gently land in it.

: 086—32

DYSON " Can I see? "

: 086—32

They both observe it with wonder.

: 086—33

Clarke hands the Laser Ranger to him. Within its scope, Dyson sees the AstroBug embedded in the ice at an odd angle.

: 086—33

DYSON " I think it’s snow... "

: 086—34

DYSON (CONT’D) " It looks like they soft-landed. Their rockets partially melted the ice. It refroze around the base. "

: 086—35

CLARKE " That means Jim got control. "

: 086—36

DYSON (returning binoculars) " I don’t get it. What caused this? "

: 086—37

CLARKE " I’m going over to find out. I’ll get Jim and the Engineer out of there and grab their X-Doc for you. "

: 087—01


The astronauts survey the ship, moving to the area that impacted the cliff.

: 087—02

DYSON " It's barely even scratched. "

: 087—03


: 087—04

Clarke checks out the damage, enabling the Augmented Reality HUD (Heads-Up Display) on her glasses.

: 087—05

From her POV, diagnostic info appears on top of the craft.

CLARKE " According to scans, the damage is mostly internal. "

: 087—06


: 087—07

CLARKE (CONT’D) " We need to print replacement parts or we’ll never get airborne. "

: 087—08

DYSON " Once I get OH back online, he can make whatever you want. "


: 087—09

Lightning catches Clarke’s eye in the distance.

: 087—10

Bristling, she turns giving a final look toward the AstroBug.

: 087—11

CLARKE " Great. Let’s get you back inside. "


: 088—01


Dyson was right. The AstroBug has landed on the ice and melted into it. It lists to one side, surrounded by slush.

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