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Sequence: 13 – Dayside

: 142—01


Back in the real world, a sleeping Clarke calls out in fear!

: 142—03

Standing nearby, Baxter looks at her in concern, placing a gentle hand on the young woman’s knee.

: 142—04

BAXTER " You alright, kiddo? "

: 142—05

CLARKE " I... I’m fine. Bad dream. "

: 142—06

Clarke sits up, shaking off the nightmare. She looks outside.

: 142—07

CLARKE " We’re on the day side. "

: 142—08

Baxter turns to fill an AutoBrew with water at the FOOD STATION between them. She speaks matter-of-factly.

: 142—09

BAXTER " Yeah, we cleared the mountains a while ago. "

: 142—10

Clarke unbuckles and stands.

: 142—11

Seen from outside the rover’s window, she observes the alien landscape in awe.


: 143—01


The rover is a tiny speck in the landscape.


: 143—02

In the distance, the slope of a shield volcano is visible -- smoke billows from its caldera.


: 143—03

Nearby, the ebony leaves of INKWEED PLANTS undulate in the dim sunlight.


: 143—04

The alien vegetation grows in small clusters that are smattered across the desert.


: 143—05

CLARKE (O.S.) " It’s so big. Goes on forever. "

: 144—01


Baxter pulls a BREWCAP, a coffee-flavored capsule, out of a drawer. She pops it into the AutoBrew. It percolates.

: 144—02

BAXTER " I take it for granted. You’ve never been on a planet before. Coffee? "

: 144—03

CLARKE " No, thanks. Can’t stand the stuff. "

: 144—04

BAXTER " Only thing keeping me going. "

: 144—05

Baxter pulls a few PROTEIN BARS from the station.

BAXTER (CONT’D) " How about a protein bar? "

: 144—06

CLARKE " Sure. "

: 144—07

Baxter tosses one to Clarke.

: 144—08

She unwraps it and takes a bite, then looks out the window.

: 144—09


: 144—10

BAXTER " Out beyond those inkweed plants, you can see our Hab-Modules. Looks like they landed just fine. "

: 146—01


Clarke continues scanning the landscape.

: 146—03

CLARKE " The algae is growing well. Someday it’ll convert the atmosphere enough that we won’t need to wear masks. "

: 146—04

Baxter sips coffee from her AutoBrew.

: 146—05

BAXTER " Yeah, someday. Until then, at least we’ll have something to eat. "

: 146—06

CLARKE (sarcastic) " Algae. Yum. "

: 146—07

CLARKE (fighting back tears) " It might seem crazy, but I was excited to live here with Jim. "

: 146—08

Baxter nods supportively.

BAXTER " I get it. "

: 146—09

Clarke pulls herself together and returns to her seat.

: 146—10

There she reviews a real-time MAP on a nearby monitor.

: 146—11

CLARKE " We’ll be there in an hour. "

: 146—12

BAXTER " Yep. While you were sleeping, I created a patch that’ll reconfigure the shield to block power surges. Even sent it to Dyson for testing. "

: 146—13

Baxter hands Clarke a portable data device called an OMNI DISC.

: 146—14

Clarke nods her approval.

: 146—15

A graphic of a shield node rotates on its screen. It’s systems are all in the green.

: 146—16

BAXTER (CONT’D) " When we get to Two-Twelve, we can upload it and try it out. "

: 146—17

Clarke leans forward to return the Omni Disc to Baxter.

: 146—18

CLARKE " This is great. Thank you. "

: 146—19

BAXTER " No problem. It’s why I’m here. "

: 146—21

Clarke breaks the tension.

: 146—22

CLARKE " What was it like on Earth? "

: 146—23

BAXTER " I suppose not that different from the Odyssey in the end. If you were lucky enough to live in the domes. "

: 146—24

CLARKE " Domes. I can't imagine being stupid enough to destroy your own planet. How’d it happen? "

: 146—25

BAXTER " Before I was born, the permafrost melted. Released a huge methane plume. That was the tipping point. Runaway greenhouse effect."

: 146—26

BAXTER (CONT) " (shaking her head) There was no turning back. By the time we left, Earth was on its way to becoming another Venus. "

: 146—27

CLARKE " And now the human race traded one type of desolation for another. "


: 147—01


The amount of Hab-Modules and farming units dwindles, giving way to a vast swath of empty desert.

: 148—03

CLARKE " Three of us. Me, Kyle... And Jim. "

: 148—04

Baxter tries to keep the mood light by distracting Clarke.

: 148—05

BAXTER " What about your parents? Are they excited to get down here? "

: 148—06

CLARKE " My mom died ten years ago. She was out in a BottleSuit doing a repair after a micro-meteor strike. She Saved the ship. Helluva pilot. "

: 148—07

BAXTER " You’re a helluva pilot yourself. I guarantee she’d be proud of you. "

: 148—08

CLARKE " Thanks. My dad... He’s a popsicle. "

: 148—09

BAXTER " Really? How is that possible? "

: 148—10

CLARKE " Long story. You know, the ship’s prime crew was supposed to take turns in hibernation. Ten years awake. Ten asleep. Right? "

: 148—12

CLARKE " I was an accident that happened during my folks’ second shift. "

: 148—13

BAXTER " Seriously? "

: 148—14

CLARKE " Oh yeah. And since pregnancies can’t be maintained during suspended animation, they decided to have me and stay awake. "

: 148—15

Clarke taps her implant, sending an image to Baxter’s disc.

: 148—16

CLARKE (CONT’D) " Take a look at this. "

: 148—17

Baxter smiles at the photo. It’s of three small CHILDREN -- younger versions of Clarke, Corey, and Dyson. The kids wear two-tone JUMPSUITS and stand in an access way on the Odyssey.

: 148—18

BAXTER " The Captain’s Mod Squad... "

: 148—19

Clarke nods. Baxter moves over to the rear seat beside her.

: 148—20

BAXTER (CONT’D) " So, Kyle must be the youngest. "

: 148—21

CLARKE " Right. Jim and Kyle were accidents too. Once they were born, the Captain put his foot down. "

: 148—22

BAXTER " I bet. More mouths to feed. "

: 148—23

CLARKE " The ship didn’t have the resources to support unplanned children. So my dad went into deep freeze. "

: 148—24

BAXTER " Quite the sacrifice. "

: 148—25

CLARKE " God, I miss him. Such a cool guy. When we were young, Jim was into watching old sports broadcasts. But me and Kyle, we played with Earth trading cards. "

: 148—26

Clarke reaches into a pocket on her suit and pulls out a cardsized, dog-eared printout of the Eiffel Tower.

: 148—27

CLARKE (CONT’D) " My dad made them for us. Landmarks like the Grand Canyon, the Great Pyramid, and a bunch more. We eventually got Jim into them too. "

: 148—28

BAXTER " Never got to see any of those. "

: 148—29

CLARKE " Really? Where did you grow up? "

: 148—30

BAXTER " Illinois. My folks were farmers. But drought ended that. They were going to Mars, but... I’m sure you heard what happened there. "

: 148—31

CLARKE " Yeah. Sounds horrible. "

: 148—32

The comm-system chimes with a message from the AeroFox.

: 148—33

DYSON (COMM VOICE) " AeroFox to TerraCat. Come in. "

: 148—34

Clarke taps her implant to enable the transmission.

: 148—35

CLARKE " We read you. Go ahead. "

: 148—36

DYSON (COMM VOICE) " How’s it going? According to the map, you guys should be passing Crater X-B-Seven-One. "

: 148—37

Clarke looks to her left our the far window.

: 148—38

CLARKE " Yeah, it’s just to port. "

: 149—01


The rover continues its journey across the plains. To its side is the massive indentation of Crater XB71. The sunward side of the geological formation is cast in deep shadow.

: 149—02

CLARKE " Two-Twelve’s not much farther. What’s up? "

: 149—03

DYSON " I’ve got good news, bad news, and weird news. Which one do you want to know first? "

: 149—04

CLARKE " How about the ‘good’? "

: 150—01


Dyson is still reclined with the X-Doc on his chest. Omniruns through a diagram of circuits onscreen.

: 150—04

DYSON " But I wouldn't be me if I didn't keep investigating what caused the problem in the first place. "

: 150—05

DYSON (CONT) " (attempting to sit up) Which leads me to the 'weird news'. "


: 151—01


Inside the TerraCat, an image appears onscreen. It’s a map of Proxima b. The chart juxtaposes the planet’s magnetic field with the shield array and the geoglyphs. They all synch up.

: 151—02

BAXTER " Whoa... "

: 151—03

DYSON (COMM VOICE) " You were right, Ms. Baxter. The planet’s E-M field and the geoglyphs align perfectly. They sit on top of Persephone’s magnetic north pole. (coughs hard) The question is why. "


: 151—04

CLARKE " Not our concern. The science team can figure it out. "

: 151—05

BAXTER " Hold up... What's the ‘bad’ news? "

: 152—01


Back at the ship, Dyson looks at med-data on his Omni Disc.

: 152—02

DYSON " Where do I start? My spleen is damaged. My liver is ruptured. And my lungs are filling with fluid. "

: 153—01


Inside the rover, the women share a concerned look.


: 153—03

CLARKE " Then I'm vulnerable too. "

: 153—04


: 154—01


In the AeroFox, the X-Doc moves atop Dyson like it’s alive.

: 154—02

OMNI I’m preparing to inject medical-grade nano-machines that will rebuild the organ tissue. The procedure will take several hours.

: 154—03

DYSON " In the meantime, I think I'll-- "

: 154—04

CLARKE (COMM VOICE) (interrupting) " No, Kyle! Let Omni do his thing. That’s an order. "

: 154—05

Dyson slumps back in his lounge chair.

DYSON " Yes sir, sir. "

: 154—06

His gyroscope in hand, Dyson sits back and closes his eyes.


: 155—01


CLARKE " Omni, in a few hours, Odyssey should be out of the star's gravity well. Shoot them a data-pac update. Ask for one back as well. "


: 155—02

OMNI (COMM VOICE) " Understood. "

: 156—01


The TerraCat continues across the desert. Behind it, in the distance, the rim of the large crater they passed is seen.

: 156—02

CLARKE (COMM VOICE) " Keep us posted. Clarke Out. "

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