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Sequence: 15 – Geoglyph

: 170—01


Clarke buckles her seatbelt as Baxter climbs into the cabin, holding the soil-core.

: 170—02

Baxter sits in the seat across from Clarke and pushes the soil-core container into view.

: 170—03

She pushes the soil-core container into Clarke's view.

: 170—04

BAXTER " Back there, where you chipped this off, it's already growing back. "

: 170—05

CLARKE " What do you mean? "

: 170—06

BAXTER " I mean, it's growing back! "

: 170—07

CLARKE " So, you’re saying... "

: 170—08

BAXTER " I’m saying I don't think this is a rock. It’s something else. "

: 170—09

Clarke's eyes widen in fear, staring at the geoglyph sample.

: 170—10

CLARKE " Then get it outta here! "

: 170—11

Baxter is taken aback by Clarke's vehemence.

: 170—12

BAXTER " No! (scanning the container) It seems inert. It needs to be studied. "

: 170—13

An alarm tone sounds followed by the voice of the TerraCat.

: 170—14

TERRACAT " Warning! Radiation alert. Seek shelter immediately! "

: 170—15

Clarke shakes her head, then fires an angry look at Baxter.

: 170—16

CLARKE " Buckle in. "

: 170—17

CLARKE (pointing at the core) " And keep an eye on that shit! "

: 170—18

Baxter buckles up, keeping the container between her feet.

: 170—19

CLARKE (CONT’D) " TerraCat, take us to Crater X-B71. "

: 170—20

TERRACAT " Understood. Proceeding to crater. "

: 170—21

The rover's engine revs and whines, but the vehicle is unable to move! The women are jostled hard.

: 170—22

BAXTER " What the hell? "

: 170—23

CLARKE " TerraCat, reverse! Full throttle. "

: 170—24

The engine revs louder, but still the rover goes nowhere.

: 170—25

CLARKE (CONT’D) " It’s not the engine. "

: 170—26

TERRACAT " Encountering an obstruction. "

: 170—27

The women look at each other with disbelief.

: 171—01


The rover's rear wheels are now encompassed in the geoglyph! It slowly extends from the ground. The two women stare at the advancing substance.

: 171—02

CLARKE " Now, it's coming after us! "

: 171—03

BAXTER " We don't know that. Maybe it's a coincidence. "

: 171—04

CLARKE " Gimme a break! "

: 171—05

SUIT VOICE " Radiation near fatal exposure. "

: 171—06

Baxter glances between the tires and the fiery star.

: 171—07

BAXTER " We better hustle. "

: 171—08

CLARKE " The self-drive is too slow! "

: 171—09

BAXTER (taking Clarke's pickax) " Get inside and set the TerraCat to manual. Gun it! "

: 171—10

CLARKE " Manual..? "

: 171—11

BAXTER " You can fly a spaceship, but you can't drive a car? "

: 171—12

CLARKE " Like we have cars on Odyssey! "

: 171—13

Baxter shoves the pickax back at her.

: 171—14

BAXTER " Break us out. "

: 171—15

Clarke takes the pickax and strikes the geoglyph growing around the tires.

: 171—16

Shards of metallic rock explode away.

: 172—01


Inside the TerraCat, Baxter straps herself into one of the rear-facing front seats.

: 172—02

BAXTER " TerraCat, disengage self-drive! "

: 172—03

TERRACAT " Manual steering activated. "

: 172—04

Baxter's seat rotates into the forward drive position.

: 172—05

A steering column automatically advances toward her.

: 172—06

She puts her hands on the wheel.

: 173—01


Outside, Clarke makes good headway on removing the geoglyph.

: 173—02

CLARKE " I think I got it! "

: 174—01


Within the rover, Baxter now has it at full power. She turns and yells to Clarke through the open door.

: 174—02

BAXTER " That's good! Back away! "

: 174—03

Baxter guns it. Its electric engine whines loudly, but the rover fails to move.

: 174—04


: 174—05

Baxter rocks it back and forth. Again to no avail.

: 174—06


: 175—01


On the horizon, Proxima grows brighter.

: 175—02

CLARKE " Hold up! "

: 175—03

She uses her pickax to give it a final shot, hammering at the material. Geoglyph debris flies in all directions.

: 175—04

CLARKE " Try it now! "

: 176—01


Baxter slams her foot on the pedal.

: 176—02


: 177—01


The TerraCat breaks free.

: 177—02

Clarke runs after the rover and jumps inside.


: 177—03

The door automatically closes.


: 177—04

The TerraCat peels away, heading back in the direction it came.


: 177—05

[The rover rockets over the verge, sailing through the air.]


: 177—06

[The TerraCat soars over the camera. The subtle rise of the crater’s rim crusts Persephone’s horizon.]


: 177—07

[Slamming down, the rover speeds forward, rocking slightly as its suspension dissipates the impact.]


: 178—01


Baxter is driving like a maniac.


: 178—02

Clarke is strapped into her seat, checking their detectors –


: 178—03

they're in the red zone!

: 178—04

TERRACAT " Radiation levels rising. "


: 178—05

BAXTER " Am I going in the right direction? "

: 178—06

The soil-core is tossed about the cabin.

: 178—07

They close in on the crater.

: 178—08

Clarke points toward a sandy ridge on the horizon. She points toward a sandy ridge on the horizon.

CLARKE " There! "


: 179—01


The TerraCat speeds across the plain, jumping over the rim of the crater.


: 179—02

[The TerraCat carves an arc of dust over the plain.]


: 179—03

[From above, the crater’s illuminated crescent slowly rotates, camera tracking the TerraCat’s progress.]


: 179—04

[The TerraCat continues to circle the crater.]


: 179—05

[The TerraCat speeds across the plain, jumping over the rim of the crater.]

: 180—01


The women are slammed into their seats.


: 181—01


The near side of the crater’s bowl-shaped valley is in deep
shadow. The rover drives to the far side and plunges in.


: 181—02

[The TerraCat grinds over the crater rim, kicking up rocks and dust.]


: 181—03

[The rover rushes forward]


: 181—04

[Now enveloped in the safety of the shadows, the TerraCat comes to a slow stop.]


: 181—05

[The TerraCat stops and powers down]

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