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Sequence: 16 – Conflict


: 182—01


Baxter powers down the engine.


: 182—02

She looks to Clarke for confirmation that they are safe. Clarke checks the monitor.


: 182—03

The radiation levels are dropping.

: 182—04

They both breathe a sigh of relief, removing their masks and glasses.

: 182—05

After a breath, Clarke is the first to freak out.

: 182—06

CLARKE " I may not have grown up on Earth, but I know rocks don't do that. "

: 182—07

Baxter sees the node-board secured in a slot on the dash.

: 182—08

BAXTER " You grabbed the node-board. "

: 182—09

CLARKE " Yeah. I plugged it in while you were out scooping up rock monster. "

: 182—10

BAXTER (checking its status) " The firewall’s been uploaded. "

: 182—11

CLARKE " Good. "

: 182—12

That’s why we're out here. Baxter nods and points to the soil-core.

: 182—13

Clarke spins her seat ninety degrees, looking around. She spies the soil-core.

: 182—16

She opens a port on the dash and pops the cylinder inside.

: 182—17

BAXTER (CONT’D) " We need Omni to do an analysis. "

: 182—18

Clarke nods and plays with the comm-system.


: 182—19

CLARKE " AeroFox, do you read? After a moment, a weak static-laden connection is made. "

: 182—20

OMNI (COMM VOICE) " Roger, TerraCat. Are you alright? "

: 182—21

CLARKE " We’re fine. We’re riding the flare out in the shadow of that crater. "

: 182—22

BAXTER " We grabbed Kyle’s sample. Transmitting the data now. "

: 182—23

CLARKE " Omni, it tried to eat the TerraCat! We barely made it out of there. "

: 182—24

BAXTER " She's exaggerating. "


: 182—25

OMNI (COMM VOICE) " Hmmm... The material must have been attracted to the rover's energy output. I believe the same thing happened with the shield node. "

: 182—26

Baxter has a sudden revelation.

: 182—27

BAXTER " ‘Energy output’? Wait a minute... When we were in orbit, I overheard Kyle saying the glyphs looked shriveled up. Can I talk to him? "


: 182—28

OMNI (COMM VOICE) " No. He lost consciousness a bit ago. I’d rather not wake him. However, I can find the images he was referring to. Just a moment... "


: 182—29

Onscreen, pictures of the geoglyphs appear side by side.


: 182—30

OMNI (COMM VOICE) (CONT’D) " Interesting. When recent imagery is compared to that of a century ago, every formation has been affected. "

: 182—31

The older images are clear and distinct, while the newer ones look smaller and anemic.


: 182—32

BAXTER " Like flowers without water. Omni... What if we’re killing it? "

: 182—33

CLARKE " 'Killing it'? You’re acting like it’s alive. It’s a fucking rock! "


: 182—34

OMNI (COMM VOICE) " Language, Astronaut Clarke... "

: 182—35

Clarke rolls her eyes.

: 182—37

BAXTER " Is it a rock or a monster, kiddo? "

: 182—38

Clarke has nothing to say.


: 182—39

Omni adds to Baxter’s idea.

OMNI (COMM VOICE) " Your hypothesis is fascinating, Engineer Baxter. If true, what do we do about it? "

: 182—40

BAXTER " We have to shut down the shield until we figure it all out. "

: 182—41

CLARKE " How about the opposite? What if we upload your firewall to the entire shield grid? Then add a firmware update that increased power? "


: 182—42

OMNI (COMM VOICE) " Um... That would cause significant damage to the geoglyphs. "

: 182—43

BAXTER " Darcy, you want to destroy an indigenous species before we learn how it’s alive in the first place. "

: 182—44

CLARKE " Sorry. Whatever those things are, they’re jeopardizing our mission. It's us or them. "

: 182—45

OMNI (COMM VOICE) That may be unintentional. This is an unprecedented discovery. It requires further study.

: 182—46

CLARKE " No. Send another data-pac, Omni. Tell them these organisms have attacked us multiple times. (steeling herself) And we’re fighting back. "

: 182—47

OMNI (COMM VOICE) " I must protest! Fact-based decision making requires-- "

: 182—48

CLARKE (interrupting) " Shut up! Send the message. "

: 182—49

Baxter can tell something bigger is going on with Clarke.

: 182—50

BAXTER " Omni, how long will the flare last? "

: 182—51

OMNI (COMM VOICE) " Four and a half hours. "

: 182—52

BAXTER " We’ll be in touch. TerraCat out. "

: 182—53

Baxter shuts off the comms and turns to chat as Clarke sits.

: 182—54

BAXTER (CONT’D) " Darcy, destroying the geoglyphs won’t bring Jim back. "

: 182—55

CLARKE " Don’t you think I know that?! "

: 182—56

BAXTER " Then why are you doing this? "

: 182—57

Ignoring Baxter, Clarke grabs her O2 mask and an Omni Disc from its CHARGING CRADLE on the wall.

: 182—58

CLARKE " Better put your mask on. "

: 182—60

CLARKE " Because I'm going for a walk. "

: 183—01


Dyson is awake. He rips off the X-Doc and tosses it aside.

: 183—02

OMNI " What are you doing? "

: 183—03

DYSON " She's gonna kill it! "

: 183—04

He collapses onto the floor. The gyroscope falls beside him.

: 183—05

DYSON (CONT’D) " If she uploads the firewall, we'll never stop it. "


: 183—06

OMNI " I insist you replace the X-Doc and return to bed! The nano-procedure is only eighteen percent complete. "

: 183—07

Dyson pulls himself across the floor, dragging his numb legs.

: 183—08

DYSON " This is more important... "

: 183—09

Omni gives in. He removes the bed and deploys a stool and keyboard at the science station for Dyson's task.

: 183—10

Dyson finally reaches the station.

: 183—11

With a pained face, he grabs the seat as leverage, hauling himself halfway up.

: 183—12

DYSON (CONT’D) " The geoglyph isn't life as we know it. But it’s alive. What do we know about its composition? "

: 183—13

Dyson manages his way into the seat and orients himself. A data analysis of the sample pops up onscreen.


: 183—14

OMNI " It's made of copper and iridium. The same materials as myself and many other quantum computers. Yet, this one appears to be self organized. Perhaps even self-aware. "

: 183—15

DYSON " And we wanted to build roads and cities out of it. How much have we destroyed? "


: 183—16

OMNI " Based on my calculations, nearly eighty percent. "

: 183—17

DYSON " The shield was active for two years. Did the geoglyphs try to talk to us in that time? Look for odd fluctuations in the system. "

: 183—18

A DATABASE of the shield operation scrolls onscreen. ENERGY SPIKES appear in the history of the power flow.

: 183—19

OMNI " It appears that on seven separate occasions, the geoglyphs attempted to make contact with our computer system via electromagnetic pulses. "

: 183—20

DYSON " My god... When shield built up enough low-frequency radio waves to block out the flares, the geoglyphs starved. They had to fight back. "

: 183—21

OMNI " It’s akin to an immune response. "

: 183—22

DYSON " Like colonists bringing smallpox. It’s goddamned genocide! Weak from the realization, he collapses against the station. "

: 183—24

DYSON " I'm okay. We need to call Darcy. "


: 183—25

Onscreen, the comm system attempts to contact the TerraCat.

OMNI " I’m trying. Unfortunately, the flare has jammed communications. "


: 183—27

OMNI " Kyle, you're rapidly approaching the point of no return. You have to restart the treatment. "

: 183—28

DYSON " No. We need to figure out what makes these things tick... Before it’s too late. "

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