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Sequence: 17 – Reflection


: 187—01


Seen from orbit, Proxima Centauri continues to cook the planet with its flares.


: 187—02

Over the fiery images, the calm and rational voice of Clarke’s father, Sebastian, can be heard.


: 187—03

SEBASTIAN (V.O.) " Hey, Peanut. I’m making this for you just in case something goes wrong and I never wake up. Who am I kidding? Of course, I’ll wake up. "


: 187—04

The massive, mysterious geoglyphs bake in the stellar fire.


: 187—05

SEBASTIAN (V.O.) " I have to be there to see you and Jim and Kyle take your fist steps on Proxima b. I know it’s going to hard for us to be apart, but I’m doing this for you guys. "


: 187—06

[moving down to the crater]


: 187—07

[Moving into view of Clarke]


: 187—08

[Moving closer still]

: 188—10

Her jaw drops as Baxter takes the container and edges it into the reddish sunlight.

: 188—11

CLARKE " What are you doing? "

: 188—12

BAXTER " A little experiment. "

: 188—13

The seemingly-inert metallic material begins to MOVE and EXPAND when exposed to the radioactive glare.

: 188—14

Amazed, Baxter pulls it back into the shade where it immediately REFREEZES.

: 188—15

Baxter holds up the soil-core, attempting to try it again.

: 188—16

Clarke drops the Omni Disc and jogs toward Baxter.

: 188—17

CLARKE " Baxter, you need to stop! "

: 188—18

Ignoring Clarke, Baxter sticks the geoglyph back into the light.

: 188—19

This time its growth is exponential.

: 188—20

The container EXPLODES!

: 188—21

Completely unprepared, Baxter falls backward.

: 188—22

The geoglyph material drops onto the ground before her.

: 188—23

Now fed by the star’s radiation, TENDRILS of pyrite expand from the sample in a star-like pattern.

: 188—24

A miniature version of the enormous formations is replicating inside the crater!

: 188—25

Baxter’s foot is exposed to the sun’s rays.

: 188—26

Before she can pull it back, a small portion of geoglyph encompasses it!

: 188—27

Clarke runs to Baxter’s side, kicking the material away.

: 188—28

She drags the engineer into the crater’s shadow...

: 188—29

... as the geoglyph continues growing into the basin of the sunlit crater.

: 188—30

BAXTER " Thanks. That was stupid. "

: 188—31

CLARKE " Yeah, it sure as hell was. "

: 188—32

Baxter looks at the material glistening in the sunlight.

: 188—33

BAXTER " It feeds on daylight. "

: 188—34

Must be why it’s on this side of the planet.

: 188—35

CLARKE " Who cares? "

: 188—36

BAXTER " You’re not even curious about it? "

: 188—37

CLARKE " No. I just want it gone. "

: 190—02

CLARKE " You alright? "

: 190—03

BAXTER " The gravity. Starting to get to me. "

: 190—04

Baxter points to the growing, baby geoglyph.

BAXTER (CONT’D) " I want to know how long it’s been here. Does it think? Or feel? "

: 190—05

CLARKE " Why all the questions? It’s an alien. That’s all I need to know. "

: 190—06

Baxter leans back against the rear of the rover.

: 190—07

BAXTER " John would’ve agreed with you. "

: 190—08

CLARKE " John? "

: 190—09

BAXTER " My husband. "

: 190—10

CLARKE " Is he on Odyssey? "

: 190—11

BAXTER " No. Stayed on Earth. He was afraid to come here. Worried some bug-eyed monster would eat us or something. "

: 190—12

CLARKE " Guess he was right. "

: 190—13

BAXTER " Really? That’s a monster to you? I see the unknown. I see a lifeform we never could have imagined. What I don’t see is an enemy. "

: 190—14

Baxter looks at Clarke as if the young woman’s fear was pathetic. Clarke descends from the roof of the TerraCat.

: 190—15

BAXTER (CONT’D) " People like you and John live in fear. Sorry, I think it’s sad. "

: 190—16

CLARKE " So you just gave up on him? And left him behind? "

: 190—17

BAXTER " The shield was too important. And, honestly, I was tired. I didn't want to put up with it anymore. Earth. Him. Any of it. I was done. "

: 190—18

Unexpectedly, the comm-system chimes in their O2 masks.

: 190—19

TERRACAT " Receiving an X-Band transmission. "

: 190—20

BAXTER " X-Band? That’s not from Omni. "

: 190—21

Clarke checks her wrist computer.

: 190—22

CLARKE " It’s a message from Odyssey. "

: 191—01


Inside the TerraCat, a side monitor in the passenger section flares to life.

: 191—02

Static obscures an incoming message.


: 191—03

Both women have removed their masks and are in the middle of watching Captain Shepard's recording.

: 191—04

SHEPARD (ON SCREEN) " Darcy, I hope you’re receiving this. We got Omni’s message. I’m speechless. I can’t believe something’s alive on Proxima b. And that it killed Jim! I’m so sorry. "

: 191—05

Clarke fights back tears at the mention of Corey’s name.

: 191—06

SHEPARD (ON SCREEN) (CONT’D) " The geoglyphs span half the planet. Whatever the hell they are, we have to stop them. The problem is... We only brought a few law enforcement officers with minimal weaponry. How do we defend ourselves? "

: 191—07

Hearing Shepard's perspective, Baxter seethes with anger.

: 191—08

BAXTER " This is nuts. "

: 191—09

SHEPARD (ON SCREEN)(continuing) " If you have a way to fight back then, by all means, do so. We need that shield. I hope Baxter’s close to getting it up and running. "

: 191—10

SHEPARD (ON SCREEN) (determined) " When we hit orbit, I’m coming down there with a science team. And, if we can’t discover what these things are and how to reason with them, I’m gonna figure out a way to kick some alien ass. Shepard out. "

: 191—11

The transmission ends. Baxter is incredulous.


: 191—12

BAXTER " You see what you’ve done? Now the Captain’s preparing for battle with a massive rock. A rock, Darcy! "

: 191—13

CLARKE " He has no choice. He has to get everyone down here before the ship falls apart. Odyssey is dying. "

: 191—14

BAXTER " Dying? What are you talking about? "

: 191—15

The conversation is interrupted by Omni’s voice.

: 191—16

OMNI (COMM VOICE) " AeroFox to TerraCat. Do you read? "

: 191—17

CLARKE " We're here, AeroFox. "


: 191—18

OMNI (COMM VOICE) " I'm calling about Kyle. "

: 191—19

CLARKE " Kyle? What's wrong? "

: 191—20

OMNI (COMM VOICE) " He refused treatment and is nonresponsive. I need your help. "

: 191—21

CLARKE " We're on our way. "


: 192—01


Moments later, the TerraCat cruises past the slowly-growing, infant geoglyph and exits the crater.


: 192—02

It enters into the blazing red sun and heads for the distant terminator storm.


: 192—03

[The crater’s shadowy indentation rests behind the TerraCat and beneath the glowing orb of Proxima.]


: 192—04

[The TerraCat drives out of frame.]


: 192—05

[The TerraCat drives towards the ominous wall of clouds and darkness that represents the planet’s terminator.]


: 193—01


Inside the TerraCat, Baxter swerves to avoid a boulder. Clarke checks their rad-detectors -- they remain in the red!

: 193—02

CLARKE " I'm not sure if I'm sick from radiation or your driving. "

: 193—03

BAXTER " Probably both. "


: 193—04

Nauseated, Clarke shuts her eyes. Baxter is concerned.

: 193—05

BAXTER (CONT’D) " Listen, kiddo. We need to talk about this Odyssey thing. What the hell’s wrong with the ship? "


: 193—06

CLARKE " According to Jim, pretty much every thing that could be. Life support’s almost gone. The engines are dead. Systems failing in every section. "


: 193—07

Baxter glances back to examine Clarke’s face.

: 193—08

BAXTER " You worried about your dad? "

: 193—09

CLARKE " What do you think? "


: 195—01


The rover traverses the hellish darkness and lightning between the mountains.

Finally, it exits the canyon.


: 195—02

Up ahead, the beacon of the AeroFox flashes on the horizon.

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