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Sequence: 19 – Plan

: 213—01


With the dead signal, Baxter is at her wits' end. She looks her worst since the mission began.

: 213—02

She spies the lavatory.

: 214—02

... Baxter kneels and vomits into the small toilet.

: 214—03


: 214—04

She stands, running water in the sink.

: 214—05

She splashes water on her face, staring into the mirror.

: 215—01


Baxter exits the lavatory.

: 215—02

She looks toward the science station and makes a hesitant request.

BAXTER " Omni... Could you restart Kyle's message from where we left off? "


: 215—03

OMNI " Sure. "


: 215—04

Dyson's sickly image appears on the science station monitor.


: 215—05

DYSON (ON SCREEN) " We have to learn to live with it. We have to resettle on the dark side... at least for a while. "

: 215—06

BAXTER " That's exactly what I told her. "


: 215—07

DYSON (ON MONITOR) " I know my decision probably doesn't make sense to you. But, I'm nothing in the face of this discovery. "

: 215—08

Dyson is fading. Weakened from his exposure to radiation. Baxter is pale. Her emotions mix with the sickness.


: 215—09

DYSON (CONT’D) " I named this planet Persephone after the goddess of the underworld because it's a gateway to the unknown. The geoglyph is just the first of endless discoveries. "

: 215—11

Baxter wipes away a tear.

: 215—12

BAXTER " Omni, can you show me a projection of what will happen to the geoglyph if Darcy restarts the shield? "


: 215—13

A computer simulation shows the geoglyph shriveling up.

OMNI " It will die in a matter of hours. "

: 215—14

BAXTER Take me up to the pilot's station.

: 215—15

The pilot’s seat moves into position.

: 215—16

Baxter glances with curiosity at the photo of Young Darcy and her parents affixed to the console.

: 215—17

She pulls up a 3-D model of the planet.

: 215—18

BAXTER (CONT’D) " We're basically trying to hit a bullseye three-hundred kilometers away. How much thrust do we need? "


: 215—19

The map shows her present location.


: 215—20

She spins the globe until it focuses on the nodes on the sun-facing side.


: 215—21

She locks on Node 212.

: 215—22

Baxter plots a parabola trajectory.


: 215—23

Omni protests.

OMNI " The engine is inoperative. "

: 215—24

BAXTER " I'm gonna fix it. "


: 215—25

OMNI " Yeah, right. "

: 215—26

BAXTER " How hard can it be? "

: 216—01


Baxter is wearing her O2 mask and AR goggles. She stands on the AeroFox heat shield and surveys an access panel. She spies the slot where Clarke had removed the damaged LRU.

: 216—02

BAXTER " Someone pulled this L-R-U. "

: 216—03

OMNI (COMM VOICE) " I can print a new one. Sadly, some of the other parts needed for the repair are too complex. "

: 216—04

Baxter jumps off the heat shield and walks around the craft until she spots the remaining, unused satellite.

: 216—05

BAXTER " Sat-C looks nominal. Maybe I can cannibalize it. "

: 216—06

OMNI (COMM VOICE) " Ms. Baxter, a repair of this type typically requires up to thirty-- "

: 216—07

BAXTER (interrupting) " We don't have 'thirty' of anything. If we don't stop Clarke, she’s dead. And so is the geoglyph. I'm an engineer. This is what I do. "

: 216—08

OMNI (COMM VOICE) " Sure. But, you’re not a pilot. "

: 216—09

BAXTER " I fix. You fly. "

: 216—10

OMNI (COMM VOICE) " I guess. How about you do the antirad procedure first? "

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